Process with Precision, Deliver with Confidence

Terrantic’s Mission Control unifies your entire food processing operation. From ingredient sourcing to product delivery, our platform offers real-time visibility, predictive analytics, and AI optimization to ensure quality, efficiency, and compliance.

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Key Benefits for Processors

Optimize Production

Maximize throughput and minimize downtime with AI-driven scheduling and line balancing across multiple SKUs

Ensure Consistent Product Quality

Maintain product quality with real-time monitoring and adaptive process control.

Enhance Food Safety

Strengthen your HACCP protocols with automated monitoring and alerts.

Streamline Inventory

Simplify inventory data tracking and institute lot and batch level traceability and reporting

Improve Supply Chain Visibility

Ensure end-to-end traceability from ingredient sourcing to product delivery.

Streamline Compliance

Automate record-keeping from receipt to shipping and simplify audits.

What our clients say

“Speed of thinking and delivery”

They were able to easily get to the data that we had, integrate it with their apps, and rapidly get off to a great start producing applications for the things we care about." 

Steve Caudill
Chief technology Officer, COlumbia Fruit Packers

“Terrantic solved getting all of our data in one place, and being able to visualize it all in one place.”

"It's one thing to bring data together, but to utilize it is another. That's where we see the value in Terrantic, having our data in one place but also developing dashboards and other applications on top of it. That's been very helpful."

Jon Cox
VP of science and technology, double diamond fruit

“Terrantic is proving to look like a very good long-term partner for complex data problems.”

"The Terrantic team has proven with their skills and abilities, not to mention the quickness and speed with which they're able to deliver that they can be a partner to solve complex problems our sales desk has, and my assumption would be that many other sales desks have."

Ryan Lantz
Chief Financial OFficer, Valicoff fruit Co., inc.

“The most impressive thing about the Terrantic team is how diligent they've been.”

"It had been two weeks of experience in our facility and the Terrantic guys were talking about our operations back to me as if they'd been in the industry for 5-6 years already."

Kyle Hayland
Operations Manager, Valicoff Fruit Co., Inc.
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

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